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Jacquelin’s Life Story as a Hybrid

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Total Price (with Tax + Shipping) – $24.37
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Book Description:
In this book, Jacquelin shares her experiences of being an ET/human hybrid and Experiencer. She recounts her lifelong encounters with star beings, starting when she was three years old, up to the present. Star Being in the Mirror is for everyone – whether you’ve seen a UFO, are an Experiencer, or you’re interested in the origins and future of humanity.

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Foreword by Barbara Lamb and Mary Rodwell.

This book is also endorsed by Barbara Lamb, M.S., MFT, CHT Psychotherapist, Regression Therapist, Lecturer – Co-author of Meet the Hybrids, author of Alien Experience, Crop Circles Revealed, and Kids’ Adventures With ET Friends in Space:

“This book is a lovely gift to humanity!  It opens our eyes and expands our awareness of cosmic reality.  Jacquelin shares her loving relationships with the star beings (whose genetics she carries) and the heart-warming experiences she’s had with them.  Through her delightful journey of being an ET-human hybrid, we can appreciate how she is serving an important mission on Earth and helping to raise the consciousness of humanity.” — Barbara Lamb, M.S., MFT, CHT Psychotherapist, Regression Therapist, Lecturer, Author

Foreword by Mary Rodwell, Principal of ACERN and author of Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life and The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage:

“It has been a real pleasure to read the many extraordinary interactions Jacquelin has shared. I am certain that for the curious who have questions about the star races, such as behaviors, communications and programs for humanity will find it a rewarding and enlightening read. For those who can relate to these experiences, it offers validation, comfort, real support and encouragement to speak their truth as Jacquelin has written hers so eloquently.” — Mary Rodwell, Principal of ACERN, Author

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If you live outside the U.S., unfortunately books cannot be ordered directly through Jacquelin due to high postage fees, but can still be purchased through Amazon.

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Hear Jacquelin Read Excerpts From Her Book:

About Childhood Experiences on a Starship

Alternate link to watch, click here

About Star Beings Visiting Her

Alternate link to watch, click here

Star Poetry

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Quotes from Star Being in the Mirror:
Quote from Star Being in the Mirror, pg. 174

Additional Books by Jacquelin

Star Origins and Wisdom Of Animals:
Talks With Animal Souls

Star Origins and Wisdom of Animals - Talks With Animal Souls by Jacquelin Smith

IBSN 978-1-4520-5246-5
309 pages

Total Price (with Tax + Shipping) – $24.15
(If you live outside of the US, you can order the book on
Get your copy now before copies run out!

To order directly from Jacquelin (U.S. shipments only), either pay online with button above, or pay by check or money order. Includes autograph.

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Description: Jacquelin shares amazing telepathic conversations she’s experienced with dogs, horses, cats, dolphins, and many other animal souls. They discuss other dimensions, stars, and planets as their origins. One dog’s soul tells about being an interdimensional traveler. A bee shares a meditation humans can do to bless Earth as well as themselves. A cat discusses how difficult it was adjusting to his body because he’s only lived on Earth twice.

The animal souls reveal their reasons for being on Earth, their missions, what they mirror to humans, what they want humans to know, and about the ongoing Earth shifts. Jacquelin also offers the reader guidelines on how to discover their animal companions’ origins.

Foreword by Brad and Sherry Steiger, author of Animal Miracles, The Mysteries of Animal Intelligence, and Starborn:

“Although there are many fine men and women who serve as effective animal communicators, Jacquelin Smith steps over boundaries that others have not yet traveled. By a blessed awareness, her body, mind, and spirit have been selected to express the thoughts, advice, wisdom, and warnings of the animal souls.” — Brad and Sherry Steiger

Endorsed by Penelope Smith, author of, Animal Talk, When Animals Speak, and Animals in Spirit; Timothy Wyllie, author of, Dolphins Extraterrestrials Angels and Dolphins Telepathy & Underwater Birthing.

Jacquelin encourages you to order her book through her website and

You can purchase an autographed copy from Jacquelin by ordering through her website or by mailing in the order form with a check or money order.

*Retail/Bookstores: Star Origins and Wisdom of Animals may be ordered through AuthorHouse by calling 1-888-519-5121 Ext. 5366 or may be ordered from Ingram, Baker & Taylor.

Reviews of Star Origins and Wisdom of Animals From

(You can read the other reviews at

“Star origins is a divine lesson in soul communication. It is an astounding book of pure and radiant light. It’s messages reflect only the love, joy, and beauty of living in a multidimensional universe. It helps you shed old beliefs and transform your older vibrations. The book is a must read for anyone who desires to raise their vibration in order to unlock mysteries of the universe.”
— David Armstrong

“This is not a book for those who want to remain comfortable with their current assumptions about the beings we call animals. In each chapter, Jacquelin, a well respected animal communicator, converses with with an individual (or group mind/soul, if you will) of different species. Not that unusual, right? Wrong! What are their origins? What is their purpose on earth? The answers will surprise and astound you, and the implication for humanity is enormous. Even if you can’t yet take the information at face value, it will change how you think and feel about the life around us. I can’t tell you how touched I was by Jacquelin’s book.”
— BC (Chicago)

Animal Communication
Our Sacred Connection

Animal Communication - Our Sacred Connection by Jacquelin Smith

IBSN 978-1-9319-4224-9
214 pages

Total Price $20.95
($14.95 + Tax $1.00 + Shipping $5.00)

Buy from Jacquelin online (U.S. shipments only) –

Buy from Jacquelin with check/money order.

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Description: Animal Communication—Our Sacred Connection is not only for people who are interested in interspecies communication, but also for those who are interested in expanding and strengthening the bond with their animals companions and Nature.

Jacquelin offers step-by-step guidelines on how to communicate with an animal friend as well as wild animals. She discusses how animals mirror humans’ attitudes and feelings. Jacquelin explores behavioral issues, death, messages from animals in spirit form, reincarnation, soul recovery with animals, locating lost animals, and much more.

Foreword by Michael J. Roads, author of Talking with Nature:

“Jacquelin’s wonderful book is full of stories, covering a very wide scale of working in cooperation with Nature and of communicating with animals.” — Michael J. Roads

Endorsed by Anitra Frazier, author of, The Natural Cat, a holistic guide, Joanne Lauck, author of, The Voice of the Infinite in the Small; Revisioning the Insect-Human Connection, and Linda Tellington Jones, author of, The Tellington TTouch, and many other books.

You can purchase, Animal Communication, through Jacquelin, or You can purchase an autographed copy from Jacquelin by ordering through her website or by mailing in the order form with a check or money order.

Reviews of Animal Communication From

(you can read the other reviews at

“This book has changed the way I look and feel about animals. Each chapter had me gripped – it makes so much sense. I am an animal behaviourist and knew that there was something missing. Jacquelin portrays what she does and how we all have the ability in such a way that makes you feel she’s been one of your friends for a long time. There is no ego involved, just a sense of true love for our animal friends. Thank you Jacquelin.– Fiona Habershon (UK)

“This book is a must-read for anyone interested in animal communication and/or just strengthening the bond with their own companion animal(s). I continuously read books about animal communication, and I find Jacquelin’s book is the most comprehensive book out there on the subject. This book promises to open not only your eyes but more importantly your heart as it is written from the heart. Her stories and experiences will leave you wanting for more.”
— Lynda Sowers (VA)