
Skeller came home, May 2024

I reached out to Jacquelin when our cat Skeller got out of my husband’s hands and out of house. Once out, he was very afraid and we could not approach him without him running off. She quickly made space for us and talked with Skeller two times and also did a soul recovery during the 8 days he was outside. Each time she worked with him, he would show up at our house and come closer than he had been otherwise. After the third contact (the Soul Recovery) he made it home through an unconventional method that we workshopped with her guidance, and we were finally reunited!

She is a powerful communicator and healer. Her abilities helped us locate him, track his patterns, and understand his mindset. She helped him reduce his fear and heal his past so that he could get back to us. Throughout this very emotional and difficult time for us, she helped us focus our own energy for the best possible outcome.

Skeller came home a changed cat. It was instantly visible that she had helped him become less fearful, more confident and whole. He never meowed before and now he tells us all kinds of things. He is more assertive with our other animals and with his needs. He is also more loving and relaxed. All of our bonds were strengthened by working with her. She is truly gifted, a spiritual powerhouse. She can help you connect to your animal friends in amazing and meaningful ways.

~ Lorena and Mike and Skeller, OH

We’ve got Kali back – Soul Recovery 2013
Hi Jacquelin,
Thank you so much for the work you have done with our cat, Kali. We definitely have our old Kali back again…and in even a much better state than before the fight…she is SO CALM…so sweet, so relaxed and IN her own body. So present and deeply grounded. Her energies do feel great…and she and Durga, our other cat, have started playing together again! She has had a lot of trauma in her life- their Mother died when they were born. So I’m sure you were worki
ng on many many different layers of trauma.We are so grateful for the work you have done.Thank you with much gratitude for the deep, intense work you did with Kali.

~ Janette Baugh, CA

Our Cat is Now Home!
We have found Mia our cat !!!! – She had crossed the road to the south (just as you said) and was on the roof of a farm building on the SE side (your directions were absolutely correct and led us right to her xx ) I’m so thankful to you for your help – your advice was right on and I so appreciate your time and the gift’s that you bring to the world. I’m so grateful to have her back, and I truly believe in miracles. I can’t thank you enough, I send you love and light from the other side of the world. All my gratitude and deepest respect.

~ Stephanie, Norway

Sees Animals as Evolving Souls
Jacquelin described both my animals (a cat and a dog) with compassion and incredible accuracy. She truly sees that animals have evolving souls and that they have a deep purpose in being here. She gives lots of information to help you deepen that bond and purpose for yourself as well as for your animal companions. She is also a wonderful healer and troubleshooter if you are dealing with problems with your animal companions. I enthusiastically recommend Jacquelin if you want to get to the root of the matter or if you simply want to take a step to a deeper, more loving relationship with your beloved pets.

~ Raphaelle Tamura, CO; Clairvoyant, Spiritual Healer and Teacher

Callie and Daisy
I called Jacquelin because we had adopted a yellow lab, Daisy, into our household. Callie had lived with us only 9 months since we adopted her – she was still adjusting to us. Not long after Daisy was in our household, she started attacking Callie. Callie became more timid as Daisy became more aggressive. I was worried they might not be able to adjust to each other.

Jacquelin communicated with Daisy, reassuring her she was in a good home and didn’t need to be number one. Jacquelin said Callie was missing her original family, a fact that I had not shared, but had observed it in Callie’s behavior, along with some other issues.

I was amazed by the dramatic change that occurred within an hour of the consultation with Jacquelin. Daisy went over and licked Callie’s muzzle, then quietly laid next to her. A first. Jacquelin also communicated with Callie a few days later about being open to accepting Daisy and that she would remain number one. Again, I was amazed at the immediate change. Callie was significantly happier and began to stand up for herself. Now they interact in a calmer, happier way. Thank you Jacquelin for such incredible results.

~ Kathy Sheehan; Columbus, OH

I wanted to write you now that two weeks have passed since our work with my dear horse companion, Jackson. What a remarkable transformation!! To begin:
  • His eyes have lost their cloudy cast and are now crystal clear
  • He is suddenly “touchable” even on previously reactive spots
  • He is suddenly keeping his stall tidy where it used to be trashed every day
  • He has developed a loud “voice” and calls out to me when I enter the barn
  • He is eager and willing to get to his training and works with his ears forward AND doesn’t wring his tail
  • He hangs his head out of his stall for treats and hugs – he used to pin his ears back
  • He has a new spring in his step!!
  • There are other positive changes as well

What’s happened for him is nothing short of a miracle. This is not the same horse I have been trying so hard to heal for so long. I’m grateful to you for helping me to reach out to him in love and welcome him home to a full life. Thank you for giving me my horse back.

~ Lisa Neely; Cleveland, OH

About Soul Recovery: Jackson has been through a great of abuse. He had fragmented and dissociated, so by gathering those parts and integrating them into their proper place, he could experience “wholeness” and be fully present again in his life.

Thanks to Jacquelin we found Bullseye
Jacquelin’s amazing gift combined with the power of prayer allowed us to locate our cat, Bullseye. Bullseye had somehow found his way through the broken-out basement window of an abandoned home & had been missing/trapped for over 9 days without food or water. Jacquelin’s incredibly accurate descriptions led us to him within 4 hours of our phone session. Bullseye owes his life to this very gifted lady!

~ Jerry & Susan; Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Finding my Lost Cat
I consulted Jacquelin in desperation when my beloved cat disappeared. Jacquelin described a familiar building in my neighborhood where she was hiding. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, she even described the basement of the building in detail. In a short time, my cat was home safe.

~ Katze Lieber; German Village, OH

Happy Ending with finding Taz, Our Lost Cat
Our 17 year old siamese, Taz, escaped when movers left the door open when we moved into a new house. We called Jacquelin on Labor Day and she was nice enough to do an emergency session. She calmed us down and gave us details on where to look for Taz.

I went out looking late at night with a flash light. Jacquelin had mentioned to look around a slate blue house nearby. I took the long way around that house with 2 flash lights blazing and calling Taz – and then heard a “mmeearrww.” I had not even seen her curled up on the doormat of the house. We celebrated that night! I cannot thank you enough for helping us in the time you did.

~ Phil and the family, Maine


My cat, Jax, was exactly where you had mentioned! He was hiding in the tree line northeast from the house, more east like you said.  He was behind a white house right across the street from my parents’ home.  You had said he was behind a white house. You are amazing! I cannot thank you enough!

~ Sarah Knapp (December 2023)