Light Language Codes & Cosmic Portraits

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Jacquelin’s art is a co-creation with various star beings and collectives. The star beings’ Light Codes as well as their Portraits flowed through Jacquelin and onto paper with their guidance. Each one carries their own specific frequency, which you can feel as you allow your heart to open more and more. The light code transmissions are sacred; some include sacred geometry or abstract designs, but each code carries multiple layers of frequencies and meanings. (Click here to browse Cosmic Portraits near end of page)

Although they appear to be simply drawn on a flat surface, these energies are actually multidimensional, existing in our physical world yet also other dimensions simultaneously. They can activate you, affect your physical environment and will fill your space with positive, wonderful energies.

“Ever since I have put up some of the symbols (light codes) from Jacquelin in my massage room, the energy has changed. This has allowed me to do better energy work with my clients.” ~ Winnie Williams, Licensed Massage Therapist

You can learn more about light language and its many benefits on Jacquelin’s light language consults page, where she offers 1-on-1 light language sessions.

*Jacquelin’s star drawings and portraits are created using markers, colored pens, colored pencils, and acrylic paints.*

DOWNLOAD BONUS! “Guidelines for Using Light Codes” (.PDF)
“How-To” guidelines. These are written suggestions for maximum benefit of using/working with the multidimensional energies encompassed in Light Language Codes consciously, to best support your soul path.
Your download purchase will contain both the original painting/drawing .JPG (watermark removed), AND this helpful .PDF!

Want to order physical Prints from Jacquelin? Click here!

Light Language Codes

**View enlarged images with detailed DESCRIPTIONS by clicking any Light Code or Portrait below.**

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Cosmic Portraits

Some star beings asked to be illustrated and guided Jacquelin in portraying their energy through drawing/painting. You’ll notice that there are light codes drawn with many of the portraits. These are codes that the beings are sharing to activate and assist you in various ways. Every drawing and portrait offers something exciting and different.

For example, the Arcturian Shaman (androgynous), “Zu Kah Shay,” can offer many kinds of healing energies depending on what intention you set. She offers mind, body, spirit, and soul healing, as well as healing for your multidimensional selves. Additionally, the Fairy can uplift you and bring you joy and help you be attuned with Earth and nature. She is wise and can share her knowledge about fairies, nature and many elementals that live throughout the cosmos.

**View enlarged images with detailed DESCRIPTIONS by clicking any Cosmic Portrait below.**

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Order physical Prints of any Light Language Codes or Cosmic Portraits!

Order one Print for $30, or TWO Prints for $50!
(cost for shipping/handling included)

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OPTION #1 (Pay Online)
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OPTION #2 (Pay by mail)
Print out the Order Form first (see Jacquelin’s mailing address on this Order Form page). Next, send the following by post mail to Jacquelin:
1.) Filled out Order Form, including the title(s) of which Prints you’re purchasing
2.) Your payment as a check or money order payable to Jacquelin Smith
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For any issues/questions with downloading your purchased file(s), please send an email to and we will get your files to you.

NOTE: The information provided through Jacquelin Smith is not intended as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. None of the information in Jacquelin’s website is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.  It is not intended to replace a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional about any mental or physical health condition.

Copyright © 2023 Jacquelin Smith. All Rights Reserved. These images may not be reproduced without Jacquelin’s written permission.